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캠프다이어리 영국 > 캠프다이어리 > 캠프다이어리 영국

캠프다이어리 영국

[070802] 캠브리지 St.Mary's 3주

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일07-08-02 17:08 조회1,095회


Due to the internet situation, I cannot write in Korean. 

So please understand it :)

We went to Great Yarmouth, the city which is famous for the fishing.

We all enjoyed the time & tide musem at here.

Inside the time & tide musem, there were a lot of interesting stuffs all about fishing.

great yarmouth was most famous city for exporting fishes.

And all my students looked carefully at the instructions that were written in English though it was not easy ^^

I can see that the students are very motivated to learn English day by day.. 

After watching the museum, we went to the market place and looked around.

All my students were happy to be outside instead of taking classes ^^

After that we went to the beach and we had some time to enjoy swimming ! 

Some of the students were afraid of swimming, but the boys were all enough brave to put their bodies inside the water :)

Every students were all felt sleepy inside the bus and they all washed after they came to the school,

so that nobody caught a cold and everybody feels good ^^

It was quite a fun day for them to swim in the real beach :)


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